Observação de aves na Herdade da Contenda
A Herdade da Contenda localiza-se junto à fronteira, no concelho de Moura, com uma área de mais de 5 250 hectares. Com uma elevada riqueza natural o território da Contenda alberga uma das mais importantes colónias de abutre-preto (Aegypius monachus) existentes em Portugal, que conta actualmente com cerca de 15 casais reprodutores.
Esta área apresenta uma paisagem que contrasta entre as florestas de pinheiros e relevo mais acidentado e os montados de azinho, com uma faixa de matagal mediterrânico a dividir. Esta diversidade paisagística tem um elevado valor ecológico.
Ao nível da avifauna da região e para além da nidificação do abutre-preto é também local de ocorrência do grifo (Gyps fulvus), da águia-real (Aquila chrysaetos), da águia-imperial-ibérica (Aquila adalberti), da águia-cobreira e do milhafre-real (Milvus milvus) e milhafre-preto (Milvus migrans). A diversidade de habitats existentes, como os matos de estevas, as linhas de água, zonas florestais e os montados de azinho também favorecem a presença de várias espécies de passeriformes, como por exemplo o melro-azul (Monticola solitarius), o peto-real-ibérico (Picus sharpei), a tordoveia (Turdus viscivorus) e o charneco (Cyanopica cooki).
Organizamos passeios para observação de aves com duração variável. Personalizamos o passeio conforme a sua vontade.
1 dia na Herdade da Contenda – (preço sob consulta)
2 dias na Herdade da Contenda – (preço sob consulta)
Contacte para personalizar o seu passeio.
Em breve partilhamos relatórios de passeios anteriores
Informação sobre os passeios
A região tem um enorme potencial para a observação de aves. Algumas questões que deve ter em consideração no planeamento do seu passeio.
Que aves se podem observar
Perdiz-vermelha, Cegonha-preta, Peneireiro-cinzento, Abutre-preto, Grifo-comum, Águia-real, Águia-imperial, Águia-cobreira, Águia-calçada, Milhafre-real, Milhafre-preto, Cuco-rabilongo, Mocho-galego, Guarda-rios, Abelharuco, Poupa, Peneireiro-comum, Picanço-real, Picanço-barreteiro, Papa-figos, Charneco, Corvo, Chapim-de-poupa, Cotovia-dos-árvores, Cotovia-escura, Andorinha-das-rochas, Andorinha-dáurica, Fuinha-dos-juncos, Toutinegra-real-ocidental, Felosa-do-mato, Toutinegra-de-bigodes, Toutinegra-dos-valados, Trepadeira-comum, Estorninho-preto, Rouxinol-comum, Melro-azul, Pardal-espanhol, Pardal-francês, Bico-grossudo ou a Milheirinha.
Que mamíferos se podem observar
Veado-vermelho, muflão, lebre, javali,
Que habitats visitamos
Montados de azinho, pinhais, rios e ribeiras, matagal mediterrânico
Clima esperado
Temperado, principalmente suave
Tamanho máximo do grupo
máximo de 4 pessoas
Ritmo do passeio e caminhada
Não mais do que dois ou três quilômetros por dia, e sempre num ritmo lento, ideal para fotografia.
Facilidade na observação das aves
Oportunidades fotográficas
Boas a muito boas
O que está incluído
Transporte no interior da Herdade da Contenda e durante o tour, seguros, acompanhamento por guia especializado, taxas de entrada, água, utilização de telescópio
O que não está incluído
Não está incluído o transporte até à Herdade, alojamento, refeições e despesas pessoais e todas as despesas não referidas.
O que nossos clientes dizem sobre nós
Axel Gosseries2024-01-15 I have been a birder since childhood and I have been birdwatching in the Alentejo for 20 years. I set the challenge to Jorge to go to a special place not too far from where I am used to go and see something really special. He brought us to a magnificent river section, and the ballet started immediately, with Bonelli's Eagle, Iberian Imperial Eagle, Vultures, kingfisher, blue rock thrush, Otter, etc. Glad that we were three because there were birds to see in all directions. And at the same time, everything was super relaxed, we could observe the birds circling above us at will and we had a wonderful picnic with Alentejano cheese, sitting along the river. An unforgettable experience! And my friend for whom it was a complete surprise was absolutely delighted too! Pamela J. Marshall2024-01-11 We had an excellent birdwatching expedition with Jorge for our first visit to Evora in November. His extensive knowledge of the local birds taught us a lot. We visited two main locations: a bridge over a deep river valley and a big circuit around a reservoir, with a variety of habitats. He was a gracious host - picked us up at our hotel and later offered us a lovely break with local cheese and bread and bottles of water. He shared an eBird list of the trip, which added 24 new birds to my own life list. Going with an expert birder like Jorge was essential for identifying all the little finches and other birds new to us. We would love to go birding with Jorge again! Sara2023-02-13 Despite challenging weather conditions (windy, cloudy and rainy) I spent two wonderful days birdwatching around Évora and the Tagus Estuary. Jorge was not only an excellent and passionate guide but he also knows all about the regions natural history and agricultural practices and was happy to satisfy all my curios questions about everything we saw around us. Lindsay Pheasant2019-05-27 Jorge was a great guide and showed us many interesting places and birds. He knew where to find particular species and also took us to many spots where we saw so much. We will use him again. Robert Kieval2019-04-01 We had a delightful and productive birding day with Jorge in Alentego in late March, 2019. He was very generous with his time, he knew where to go to spot many diverse species of birds in different habitats, what to look for and how to identify the birds by sight, sound and their habitat. He was very knowledgeable about the birds - their behavior, breeding habits and migration patterns. He had a great scope that he carried everywhere we went that was really valuable in seeing birds at a distance - he's a great spotter! Jorge is a very nice person as well, friendly and highly personable. Thank you! Andrew Ramsay2019-02-07 Wednesday January 30th Despite cloudy weather -which turned to rain after lunch and brought proceedings to a halt- we had a productive day with Jorge, seeing over 40 species of birds in the Castro Verde area. Highlights included great bustards, little bustards ( a group of 19 close to us on the ground and in flight, a pair of little owls, a good flock of calendra larks, and a splendid long-eared owl spending the winter in suburban Castro Verde. Throughout we were very well looked after and guided by Jorge whose skill and knowledge allowed us to make the most of a fairly short visit. cosl io ANTIGO2018-12-16 O prometido foi cumprido! Fui sem grande esperança de conseguir avistar o mítico Grou, mas tive uma surpresa! Com a ajuda do Jorge, consegui avistar muitos, muitos Grous, mas também muitas outras variadas aves. Mas valeu, principalmente, pelas paisagens e pelo ambiente. Aquele final de tarde, repleto de cânticos da natureza, foi mágico. Obrigada! Simon Best2018-12-15 While visiting Portugal for a work trip, we spent an additional three days in Portugal birding and visiting Alentejo with Jorge. He provided an excellent tour of the winter birding sites as well as cultural activities, including a tour of Evora. He arranged a schedule that included pick-up and drop-off in Lisbon, accommodations, meals in the field, recommendations for dinners, and of course a variety of birding habitats. He has excellent knowledge of the birds and birding locations in Alentejo, and knew exactly how to target desired species. All plans went smoothly and the trip was organized efficiently and logically. Highlights included wintering shorebird and waterfowl dams, steppe birds, and spotlighting for Barn Owls in the Tagus estuary. He even kept all the ebird lists throughout the day! Highly recommended, and wonderful addition to any trip to Portugal. Joe Lalor2017-06-28 Date of tour: June 17 2017 Very enjoyable half day. Jorge is an expert guide with excellent English. The pre-tour contact was clear and concise, the pickup from our hotel was prompt, we saw and heard birds we'd never have seen otherwise, and we had our picnic at the end in the coolest spot in the heatwave. Highlights for us were a clear view of 2 cuckoos, a hoopoe in the scrub during our picnic and the flocks of black kites. I can recommend this tour to expert birdwatchers and amateurs alike. Cornelis van Dijk2015-05-04 An excellent guided birding trip with Jorge Safara in the Castro Verde steppe and Guadiana Valley. Two years ago I visited the Spanish Extremadura area for a private birding tour. An exciting experience, but without guidance and lack of detailed knowledge of the area it is hard to find your way to the interesting sites and bird species. This year we decided to spend the holiday in the Alentejo area, including some days for bird watching in the famous Castro Verde steppe area and the Guadiana Valley. For maximum success, it had to be a guided tour. Contact with Jorge Safara, through his website, resulted in the appointment for a full day private birding trip to both areas on April 21th . At 7.00 hours we were collected from our hotel in Mertola by Jorge and his 4 wheel-drive. The start of what proved to be one of our most exciting and successful birding experiences since years. We learned to know Jorge as dedicated host and a very experienced birdwatcher with a sharp eye and good knowledge of the area. After an exciting morning with a good number of Little - and Great bustards, with a couple of Stone Curlews, Montagu's Harriers , Booted eagle, Short toad eagle and Great Spotted Cuckoo we visited the area around the Visitors centre near Castro Verde, where European roller, Lesser Kestrel and Bee-eaters were served. This Just to mention a few examples of most exciting species for a birdwatcher from the Netherlands. For lunch Jorge had arranged a picnic at a deserted site of the steppe where a group of Black-bellied Sand grouse performed. The day could not be better anymore, until we arrived in the Guadiana river area, where my last wish, the Black-winged Kite was fulfilled with hunting- and photo shot performances of great class. Jorge delivered us in Mertola at 18.00 hours, after 11 hours guiding and a list of 60 species that made us very happy. Thank you Jorge, you are strongly recommended! Kees and Anke van Dijk, Andel, The Netherlands.